2018 will bring drastic change to the Japanese healthcare environment, as cost pressures on medical expenses continue to rise and implementation of the integrated community care system begins to accelerate. This seminar will analyze the future of the healthcare industry from a global, management and field perspective. As heightened uncertainty is also driving the transformation of sales teams and management operations, we will also cover the growing focus on strategic area marketing and future requirements for MR activities.
▶ Speaker
Jeffrey B. Schnack, President, 3Rock KK
▶ Main Contents
- ■ Making strategic decisions in an increasingly price-conscious, drastically changing environment
- ■ Optimizing future product portfolios
- ■ Tips for navigating the integrated community care system
- ■ The future sales force and requirements for MR’s in the field
- ■ The global view of the Japanese health care market
- ■ Ideas for new digital marketing, patient support, and related business services
The seminar will be held in Japanese only.
▶ Seminar fee
8,000 yen (including tax) for seminar and mixer party
▶ Application