Full Support for the
Digitization of Healthcare
From Sales Activities
to the Adoption of Digital Tools
Digital Therapeutics (DTx), which incorporate digital devices, apps, and AI into clinical diagnoses and treatments, is increasingly drawing attention as a growing healthcare market trend. The appropriate utilization of such technologies has become crucial for healthcare companies to survive. 3Rock has promoted digitalization for more than 10 years, including presentations at global health tech events like Medicine X and Doctors 2.0 – and we can fully support your digital utilization efforts. We will work together with you to highlight the most appropriate disease states, identify companies to collaborate with in Japan and overseas, and create monetization mechanisms and business models that meet healthcare industry regulations. Please feel free to contact us for a consultation.
Our Past Work
- Development of digital tools to diagnose specific diseases (such as mental disorders)
- Market adoption support of Digital Therapeutics (DTx)
- Introduction of products from overseas ventures to Japan