“Maybe our traditional business model no longer meets the demands of the changing healthcare environment?”
Such comments can be heard throughout the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. Long-term government policy direction is clear, but details are fuzzy and debate continues on to how respond.
But no one can afford to remain on the sidelines. As science and technology evolve, players from other industries and overseas are moving in. Can you make a significant move by 2020, the turning point when future winners and losers may well be determined?
3Rock Founder and President Jeffrey Schnack will discuss how healthcare companies – and those individuals working in the industry – will need to change the way they do business in order to come out on the winning side. Look forward to lots of examples from across Japan and abroad.
There will be a mixer after the lecture, providing a great opportunity to continue the conversation and network with other attendees. Please join us.
Note: This event will be held in Japanese.
▶ Main contents
■ Overseas digital health care at the forefront
■ Comparison of the healthcare environments in Japan and overseas
■ The healthcare industry’s approach to regional healthcare
■ Balancing social contribution vs. the company need to differentiate from competitors
■ Strategic options for both companies and individuals
▶ Seminar fee
32,400 yen (including tax)
▶ Application
Please apply using the form below or download the PDF and fax it back to us.
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▶ For inquiries, click HERE