A process that offers support for subordinates to maximize their potential

In today’s work environment, where many tasks are expected to be completed with few resources, the productivity of each and every employee becomes critical.

To boost employee productivity, motivation is necessary for the meaning of a person’s existence in the workplace, his or her goals, interest in the work, and responsibility.
Integrity Coaching provides guidance on ways to raise motivation among subordinates and how to offer them support so they can perform to their maximum potential. It also nurtures the capacity to have faith in subordinates and provides training on the importance of having expectations for them, and it strengthens the internal elements that are necessary for coaching. Going beyond the limitations of the potential of subordinates and leading them to achieve higher goals results in increasing productivity not only for individual employees but also for the team, and as a result, for the entire company.

1.Core Concepts

Coaching Congruence Model

There are five important elements that are indispensable for managers and leaders in providing coaching. We will supplement what is missing among these elements and strengthen coaches from the inside.

Expanding Belief Boundaries

Expanding the boundaries of faith in the possibilities of subordinatesEach of us unconsciously sets a mental boundary – an area of the possible through our experiences. Within a comfortable area, we don’t try to go out from there and our performance tends to be on a plateaus.
Integrity Coaching will provide a dynamic process to help you develop people to their full potential.

A Simple Coaching Process

Based on faith in coaching, simple coaching processes will be used to make subordinates take on higher goals and to lead them to achieve their goals.
When a subordinate achieves his or her objectives, the goals of the person coaching will also have been achieved, presenting a firsthand experience of individual growth as a businessperson.

 A simple process for coaching

2. Seminar Details

【One Day Seminar】
The Personal Case for Coaching
The Business Case for Coaching
Building Belief
Creating a Receptive Environment
The Coaching Process
The Process in Action

【8 Weeks Follow Up Course】
The Foundation
Preparing to Coach
Understanding Your People
Coaching for Improved Performance
The Power of Praise
Holding People Accountable
Expanding Belief Boundaries

3. What Participant Says

  • I learned that in taking on the role of manager, there are three pillars: coaching, leadership and management. I was also able to discover that the quickest way to boost the speed of team growth is to raise the individual capacity of each individual team member through coaching, and a major point was that I became aware of the importance of believing in my subordinates.
  • I learned that providing coaching for high performers is also important, and that through coaching it is possible to become aware of uncertainties and dissatisfaction and to have the high performers move forward toward their objectives.
  • I’ve started communicating in line with the styles of action of others, and am also looking for points to offer them praise. This has made my attitude toward communication more positive, and I now have more faith in possibilities.
  • This is a tool that boosts motivation through coaching and enables stronger relationships with members, and I plan to introduce it regularly.
  • I had management and coaching confused and so had been aware of a need to use them separately. Coaching is not only something that promotes growth in subordinates; I felt it also raises my own value as a manager.
  • “Show them by doing, speak and have them listen, have them try, and then offer praise, or else people will not move”
    – this truth does not change, regardless of time or place. Getting away from teaching was extremely difficult, and it took time and effort to have them comprehend on their own, but I realized this realization was very important.
  • Getting away from teaching is very difficult and it was tough, time-consuming work to make people aware of this, but I came to understand quite well that this awareness is very important.
  • The things that had been vague inside me have become clear. Based on these concepts, I will be able to coach with confidence in the future. It was educational, learning about different methods of thinking that I had not yet been aware of.

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