Selling is identifying and filling needs people have and creating value for them.

In recent years, sales activity in the health care industry has gotten tougher because of such factors as the tightening of regulations, intense competition over prices, and increases in competitor products. Various concepts will be studied for leading sales activity to success despite a severely competitive environment.

1.Core Concepts

The AIDINC System

What becomes a core part of the sales process is the interview, or asking questions. In the steps that determine success or failure in sales, the needs, the issues and the motivations of customers will be identified through accurate, specific questions.
Integrity offers comprehensive learning, from basic methods for directing questions to ways for further enhancing the quality of your questions, and it will nurture the capacity to conduct interviews that tie in to success.


Approach(A): build trust and rapport
Interview(I):identify needs, challenges and motives
Demonstrate(D):show how your products and services fill identified needs
Validate(I):cause people to trust you and believe your claims
Negotiate(N):understand and work through problems and concerns
Close(C):ask for an appropriate commitment to action

Behavior Style

What is crucial for effectively promoting AIDINC is to discover people’s styles of action.
By gaining a grasp of a person’s styles of action as well as for the other party, and matching those of the counterpart, it will become possible to conduct communication that is fully effective.

Doer: Direct, forceful, makes quick decision
Talker: Outgoing, friendly, not as interested in details
Supporter: Laid-back, friendly, reluctant to take a risk
Controller: Unemotional, reserved, relies on facts, evidence and data

2. Seminar Details

【One day seminar】
The Fundation
Planning Your Calls and Approaching People-Approach
Identifying Customer Needs-Interview
Demonstrating Value-Demonstration
Validating Your Claims-Validation
Negotiating Problems and Objections-Negotiation
Gaining Closing Commitments-Closing

【8 Weeks Follow Up Course】
Setting The Stage For Success
Gaining Rapport in the Approach-Approach
Understanding Customer Needs-Interview
Demonstrating Value-Demonstration
Validating Your Claims-Validation
Negotiating Concerns and Objections-Negotiation
Gaining Closing Commitments-Closing
Looking forward

3.What Participant Say

  • By creating a pre-call plan, I have become aware of objectives for each individual visit, and discussions with customers have gotten smoother.
  • I had a tendency to take the needs of my customers for granted, and in AIDINC I’ve renewed my awareness of the importance of interviews.
  • I started seeing AIDINC in a new light when things reached a dead end for me with sales.
  • The establishment of a common language led to shorter team meetings, and it became easier to grasp the state of progress for cases.
  • By seeing objectively the styles of action for myself and for the other party, I’ve become able to conduct communication that is in line with the other person.
〈Comments from trainers〉
  • A good point of the Integrity Program is that because it includes follow-ups, it is a plan that offers continuity. We plan to include it in our on-the-job training for new employees.
  • Compared to other training material, it is excellent, and the employees who have received this training are lucky. It is rare for a program to have styles of action as its axis.

Integrity Coaching for Manager and Leaders