All managers should not only be supervising work processes in order to achieve organizational goals, but should also be responsible for developing the maximum capabilities of their subordinates. However, many companies do not provide sufficient training to help them do so. For those who wonder “How can I better motivate my people and help them achieve their full potential?”, Integrity Coaching® is a proven solution.
Learn the power of belief and the importance of expectations for your people
Although coaching is increasingly being introduced with an eye toward improving workplace communication, Integrity Coaching focuses on people development. Managers must become coaches and support their direct reports to bring them up to an “ideal state”, but the training required to help them get started is currently lacking. Integrity Coaching teaches that believing in a person and expecting that they can improve and achieve is critical to their success. We help coaches focus on three things that help build a stronger team and better long-term performance.
- 1. Knowledge of what motivates each subordinate
- 2. The ability to identify the potential of each subordinate
- 3. Coaching and teaching skills to improve performance and productivity
Integrity Coaching includes a simple five-step process that can be used in meetings, on the phone, or in drive-along visits in the field:
- 1. Ask about their goals and get them to think about it
- 2. Listen without distractions or interruptions to understand their situation
- 3. Coach on knowledge, skills, and attitudes
- 4. Praise for specific behaviors and mindset changes
- 5. Challenge them to become their best
In addition to this process knowledge and practiced skills, it is critical that the coach both fully believes in the potential of the subordinate and has a heartfelt desire to help him or her grow. He or she must also understand and be dedicated to the activities necessary for his or her own growth in coaching. The Coaching Congruence Model is a key feature of Integrity Coaching. It helps a coach to understand five key aspects that, when working in harmony and reinforcing one another, are key to a coach’s effectiveness:
View of coaching:
I understand coaching is an investment in developing others and supporting them to achieve their full potential.
View of Abilities:
believe I have the necessary talents and abilities to be a successful coach
I possess a high degree of internal sincerity, conscientiousness, and honesty that drives my coaching behaviors.
Commitment to Activities:
I understand the activities necessary for successful coaching and diligently do them.
Belief in Your People:
I have a passionate belief in what my people can achieve beyond what they see in themselves.
Sharing learning through follow-ups and peer connections
In addition to a core workshop that introduces general concepts and processes, a standard Integrity Coaching program offers eight follow-up sessions. Without this type of reinforcement program, it is said that people forget 95% of what they hear within 21 days. To avoid this, we conduct follow-ups in small groups, either in face-to-face or online meetings. Participants select and highlight best practices, review each other’s plans, and provide practical advice. This gives them an opportunity to reflect on the content of the workshop and at the same time share their experience among their peers as they practice coaching with their subordinates in the field. Even within the same organization, it is often difficult to find the right opportunity to share their concerns regarding the development of their subordinates without such a structured set-up, so as facilitators we receive many positive comments that this type of follow-up collaboration is quite beneficial.
Participants in our programs comment that they have gained additional confidence, increased their productivity and job satisfaction, and given them the ability to deal with different people and their behavioral differences – all helping them to build stronger relationships. By practicing Integrity Coaching, you too can improve your team’s results.